Monday, May 6, 2013

Runescape Merching Article

There are few things you need to understand before you begin Merching on Runescape.

   First you want to make sure you have at least five million gold to make any profitable trades. Merching can be short term or long term. You want to have a balance between the two incase you may not be able to play for a period of time. The important thing to remember is that you want to look for items that are cheap not expensive especially when you are first starting out. The Grand Exchange is the best way to find items all you need is the name of the item and your set to go.

Finding an item 

   Looking for an item takes no longer than five minutes. All you need to know when searching for an item is to think to yourself what sells and buys in large quantities. When items buy and sell fast it means that there is group of buyers and sellers going back and fourth between prices. Remember the goal is to buy an item as low as you can and before it falls to sell it.

Buying an Actual item

   At this point you have the money and you are ready to actually buy an item. The first thing you want to do is find an item under the price of 30 gold a piece. Why so low? The reason is that when you have a larger quantity of an item that is selling at a lower price it only needs to go up a couple of gold for you to profit an insane amount. Buy only one piece of that item at normal price. If it sells immediately to you it means one of two things. First it means that their is a large supply of the item on the market, meaning a lot of people are trying to sell it and there are not enough buyers. Second it could mean only a few people have a lot of that item and once they sell all of it will take time to actually buy.
   When you place an order and you receive money back with it when you buy at normal. It means that the seller is selling below the normal price. This usually means that the price will soon fall almost a hundred percent of the time. On the other hand if an item you try to buy at normal price does not go through, and you do not get anything for more than ten to fifteen minutes. It means that their is a demand for that item. Remember this applies to items that normal players will buy every day. Such as arrows, runes, and raw foods.
   You buy an air rune at 10 gold a piece and you want to buy 100,000 of them. If your order fills and, you get all the 100,000 Air runes at 10 gold each before any price change occurs. Then one day it goes up to 11 gold a piece you now have 100,000 air runes x 11 gold you have now made 1,100,000 gold that is a profit of 100,000.

Most people know that there are item limits for every four to six hours on items. So it can take a couple of days to actually have your order filled.

Knowing if an item is falling or going up is the main goal of a mercher because it will depend on how much they profit or lose.  If you are doing a short time merch which usually takes place from within the same day to under a month. Cancel the pending order you have everyday it is not going to matter because of the limit and also because of price change. Try to buy one of the item again and see if still takes time to buy or it is starting to sell quickly. This is a good indication if the item is going to begin a reversal.

Selling an item

Make sure you have a profit target before you begin buying the item. Using the Runescape graphing charts on the main page of their website will help you determine buy and sell prices. You look through all the time frames and you want to see how high it has been recently before it dropped. This will help you determine how much you can expect to make buying off of a reversal. Which means when the price decides to turn in the opposite direction.

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